Friday, April 11, 2014 Babyliss pfyc

In accordance with the School of Management, today will hold a small test, this test placement with everyone concerned. Test is divided into three, namely, test speed, strength and attack power. Each of 100 points total score of three hundred points, which will be scored by the three louis vuitton outlet at day level classes is more than eight, sixty- eight is assigned for ground -level classes, the following six are all very human level classes. Zhu Chen presided over the competition is, Zhu Chen finished these, went to the front, the front foot pointed to the body of a black ball five meters in size.

On the left is Alchemist station,louis vuitton bags, lithography division in the second row, third column is the Mesmer, Dan Alchemist far right, please arranged in order. Zhu Chen 's voice down, the crowd began arranged in Zhu Chen explanation. Chen Yi as the device Alchemist, standing in the first column, and the palace Yu Jun, Xiong Liang and residual wind is a device Alchemist, Yu Chun palace stood in front of Chen Yi, and bears bright and Paralympic teams standing wind teaching front, Yin and cold Zixuan who were standing on the third and second columns. After a while, according to Zhu Chen is good to see you after the order station, and the exchange of young man aside, then counted the number after the man, broke read said: according to our arrangement, Babyliss is a total of one hundred Alchemist fifty people, shadow Alchemist thirty-six people, Mesmer forty people, Dan Alchemist hundred people, this session a total of 326 persons were freshmen, well, here is the strength of the upcoming test.

After the man finished these, the first column is the lead Alchemist went ahead. As the most powerful force in the four major professional career, is in force Alchemist is far exceeds its louis vuitton australia occupation, standing first is a man wearing a red tunic. Iron man walked beside the black ball, carefully turn in a circle around the iron ball, but the ball is made of iron with Darksteel, if you can use a grudge and martial art, so basically all of the newborn can be broken, however, without the use of any external force, the desired iron ball is extremely difficult to break.Ten teachers in order to sit long table, where a middle-aged bearded man asked with interest. Oh, can completely break the iron ball freshmen, the College has five years does not appear. It sits beside the man Denon, Denon while watching Chen Yi said: louis vuitton australia I'm afraid someone will think this term break this iron ball, Lin, louis vuitton australia think? Lin is known as a man surprised a moment : this term has several qualifications really good, but you want to break the iron balls would be difficult ah.


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