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Although, there are some organic matter, with today's technology means it is difficult to manufacture, but knowledgeable Shi Jun was able to find alternatives to. Spent a whole day, Shijun Cheng developed the first successful high concentrations of pesticide bottles, this is because it takes a lot of time to explore, if we can determine this bottle of high concentration of pesticides on ants bite golden words effectively, then enter the massive amount of time spent postpartum, simply take so much. Weigh a little bottle of high concentration of pesticides in the hands of Shi Jun illegal channels : babyliss pro perfect curl Let 's try this bottle of pesticide concentrations do not exactly have a valid bar.

'Bang' sound Cui Xiang, the glass fragments, from which a rich aroma drifting out. Gone from the bottle out of the odor, flavor for humans is, but for gold ant bite, but it is highly toxic. Immediately, this twenty-four gold ant bite on violent trembling up, after about ten seconds, twenty-four ants bite gold is no longer trembling, because Babyliss all killed in the aromatic flavor of this stock. Excited Shi Jun, a rallying cry up: a success !

Dan Tianxiong opened a tent curtain, big step away recently pleasantly surprised to ask : really successful? Jun children, Babyliss curl secret refining this liquid, gold ant bite really effective ? Shi Jun, pointing to test results, and said : Father, you see, tests show that high concentrations of pesticides equally effective ant bite gold ! This tent is not an outsider, so Shi Jun ray ban sunglasses australia and his son Dan Tianxiong Youyi commensurate. Dan Tianxiong said excitedly : Great, finally found a way to deal with the ants bite gold. These damn gold ant bite, although the strength of the individual is very weak, but after come together, but it is terrible.


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